Welcome to the Delta Police Department Online Incident Reporting System

If this is an emergency please call 9-1-1

Please use this incident reporting system if the incident you would like to report occurred in the city of Delta or Tsawwassen First Nation and matches one or more of the following criteria:

     Your property has been vandalized (mischief up to $10,000 has occured).

     You have been a victim of fraud and have incurred a loss of less than $10,000.

     You have lost something that has a value of less than $10,000.

     You have found some lost property (e.g. mobile phone, computer, etc.).

     You have been a victim of theft of less than $10,000 with no suspect.

     You would like to report a Traffic Incident or a General Community Concern.

     You have been involved in a hit and run accident where no injuries occurred, and either the suspect or the suspect’s license plate is known to you.

To report any other incident, please call 604-946-4411 and ask to speak with the Report Desk.

In order to report an incident, we will need to know some basic personal and/or business information, such as your name, date of birth and email address. We will also need to know the date and location of the incident. If the incident involves your vehicle, please ensure you are able to provide the make, model and license plate. This process will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.